Happy 2023 from friiends of #ed3learning everywhere & ED && Ed3EN...... 6 years after serving as teen allied bomber command burma, dad norman macrae met von neumann

Saturday, December 29, 1984

Intergenerational futures

There is a consensus among English speaking people that Adam Smith's writing out of Glasgow of the 1750s helped to define the economics of how societies develop as a subject worthy of studying
-related references to English-Language Economics with social characteristics-

Surprisingly those who actually study Adam Smith's texts find a lot of future shocks which he is asking transatlantic citizens to question across generations. For example, Adam clarifies that the whole system of education designed by the British Empire was not about valuing youth.

 The Empire's education system was about producing a bureaucratic standard product even if only 1% of children emerged as being standardised high enough for administering the empire. And it was about a cosy life to professors to be worshiped as priests of specific expert silos. Multidisciplinary approaches were specifically excluded

The HERstory we have been questioning ever since moon landing is what if 1946-2030 is an unprecedented era of innovation all around the world in which humans are doubling investment in coms tech every 7 years
(search for joyful cases like Moringa started by Audrey Cheng a 22 year old graduate now celebrating girls who code from Kenya to Pakistan to why not a space near you )

We invited you to start the search for world record job creators with health servants because life expectancy offers the simplest metric between an undeveloped place and one that is developing . If a place has life expectancy in the low 40s or less, then there is only really one inter generational investment in life and family's emotional as well as intellectual exchanges of learning. If a places has a life expectancy in the mid 60s we have the opportunity for smart interactions between youth parents and grandparents. Put another way in a place where life expectancy is only around 40, confining girls and boys to be examined in a classroom for half their life doesnt make sense. Its cruel not to develop children to create and learn by doing and serving real people

 In this chapter, we seek to clarify timelines of critical concern to sustaining planet and peoples; in particular, when as we humans race from 1946 to 2030 will we value total transformation of education?

The appendix to this chapter shows our 1984 scenario for a 21st c education world designed round inviting every child to grow up in a new (death of distance as cost in sharing actionable apps) world that celebrates everyone's capacity to  a lifelong teacher as well as a lifelong student. Logically we are prepared to debate anyone about the cooperation needed to prevent extinction of our species that this is what a learning world needs to be for all our children to linkin their livelihoods around renewing every community as safe and smart space to grow up in, renewing planet, and designing eg the worldwide integration of artificial intelligence with human intelligence to support a little sister  (Adam Smith-social-economist) world instead of pied pipering us all round the orwellian big brother end game.

To date the West hasn't scaled any trustworthy moves towards this new learning world for 2 types of reasons. Firstly we underestimated the luddite intransigence of those paid and pensioned off to cling to the 4 monopolies of old education systems:
who what and how youth are certified
who what and how youth are examined
who what and how what is taught during the first 11 13 or 18 years of life
who what and how content research is invested in

A key insight on transfoirmational chnage comes from Bill Gates. Writing about the mid 1990s, The Way Ahead ,he said: less change than a leader  might expect happens in 3 years, much more in 7 years.

So futures of learning are worth clarifying by 7 year coms-tech leaps -be these opportunities to be healthier, wiser, happier or anything that replicates worldwide improvement of the human lot.

There is no time to waste. There is so much work to do to make every community sustainable But so far the west's developed nations haven't engaged in education leapfroging - compared with markets like efinance or ecommerce we havent scaled one (r)evolutionary open action-learning opportunity of the acceleration towards 4000 times moore technology .

 For example back in 1984 it was quite possible to imagine the bbc (then largest public broadcaster in terms of cumulative billi9ons of dollars of investment) could choose to connect the world's biggest public broadcasters at the time (eg  the frirst decade of the 21st C) when mobile chat platforms were scaling to billions of people.

The communications link that was needed was to make the chat connected with a program broadcast to billion people in the way described here. Instead of facebook the number 1 web designed by english language mediators could have been a space where the parents children and communities beamed in with prototype microfranchise solutions worth replicating wherever communities had a similar crisis to sustaining their next generation. We have seen in chapter 1 how bangladesh poorest women managed to grassroots networks such solutions without the help of mass media. Just imagine if their common sense had united those who had the means to mediate world service

When considering possible  advantages of thousands of times more communications tech - these  may come from advancing knowledge sharing or freeing peoples travels and trades.

We have never seen any evidence that the human lot is advanced  by more and more expensive advertising. Moreover when a media or market commentator  measures growth solely around national GDP they continuously devalue parenting which is one of the many valuable activities that GDP ignores. Put plainly such nightly news reporting corresponds to exponentially non-sustainable system designs - not ones that Adam would have given positive marks to. Unfortunately in America this aspect of fake news started in mass media long before facebook and other new media's troubles with the truth. The consequence is the under 30s (and family parenting) is being ever less valued. Moreover youth are being asked to carry ever more debt of their elders (eg subprime, spiraling costs and population bubble of elders health) as well as of their own making (eg too much gossip-led chat on the internet may be self-gratifying but its not productive)

Returning to Bill Gates - he cited  his own business mapping of 7 year leaps. He had designed microsoft software around assuming separate installation on each personal-computer. Microsoft almost failed to keep up with the game changer of the worldwide web which Time Berners Lee launched in 1989 and where the browser became integral to the market of installing software.

Before we search for who's helping youth change the livelihood purposes of  education it may help to ask is there a particular 7-year leap that is going to unite world citizens and business leaders in celebrating edu-tech entrepreneurial revolutionaries. Join us in reviewing recent 7 year periods using the SWOT tool valued by purposeful marketers in clarifying timely innovation. OT stands for exponential opportunities and risks going forward over net 7 years. SW stands for strengths and weaknesses of where we the peoples think history (or herstory) is spiraling around us

1988.www about to be born... berners lee expects this to open source life critical knowhow....
1995..text mobile about to be born...in the west this increasingly changes mass use of web towards commerce and trivialities whether advertised or self-promoted....
2002.90% if western dotcoms collapse, .micro terror just went global......
2009..smart mobile born; western big banking just collapsed in subprime..Chinese youth experiment with a new startup revolution integrating infrastructures never seen by fifth of world people before and with mobile finance....
2016...sustainability goals launched; telecom G5 about to converge multiple tech revolutions..some call this AI, others Digital Cooperation or .......

Please note it is important you edit this table to timeline which  locally urgent contexts come next - NB america's west coast was between 3 to 10 years ahead of being first to experiment with much of the digital technologies listed up to around 2005 but was also doing this with some pieces that were only half formed in terms of reliability or public understanding of eg what data was being taken from them -

When we navigate what is leading globalisation through 2016-2023 can we checklist global change factors that illustrate the accelerating exponential up to a scale of 2000 times moore  by 2023 ?That's compared with  moon landing's tech index of  10!

Lets be frank - everyday pressures of school life can make it confusing both for teachers and students to begin to see what to change unless all of us who are parents or grandparents help celebrate valuing education designed round innovating youth livelihoods - outside the classroom experiences such as coding and real community renewal show what youth needs to network. Education should be helping youth practice cooperation of a smart digital kind and or a real loving kind. Few people have summarised this challenge as succinctly as Jack Ma- please note This 3 minute video was given in a sequence of 20 pitches by concerned national leaders- see the full range of 60 minutes on what youth will need to be the greatest #learninggeneration exchanged sept 2016 at the same UN summit that assessed the first years awareness of 17 sustainability goals

Imagine if one of the weeks in 2017 or 2018 that has drowned parliamentarians in Brexit had been used instead to brainstorm what if a bipartisan request is made to the royal family to host a meeting with the leaders of the 3 biggest nations on the South Asian coast. The meet-up could have made its agenda education's silk road or any name south asian preferred. The Royals would need to start by apologising- yes the history of the british empire caused the borders that are still  blocking your youth and communities from trading along the coastline the sustainability way ahead peoples (every community) facing the east coast are free to do . Therefore over the next 5 years we ask you for help - redesign every british aid program in your region towards education belt road. Bangladesh women have provided  great replicable examples of whats need on the ground starting with girls heath and safety and self-confidence echoing what Gandhi and Montessori pioneered in their global village schooling 80 years ago ; india's billion person digital id which rep;resent 10 years of brilliant world by tech wizards around Nilekani shows what a big data platform could make educationally possible; Pakistan with continuous advice from the SCO cluster of nations has seen how making Gwadir integral to world trade corridors  can change every win-win possibility from being a nation surrounded by hostility to  one all entrepreneurial youth and coding wizards can open learning and purposeful trade sans frontiers.

While we dont expect the royal families of Britain or europe will take this lead we do expect the 2020s  integration of  the artificial intelligence race with the human race to change the world's job creating maps for once and for all - for much better or much worse. The scenario to seize is that as mobile connectivity goes from G4 to G5 humans will suddenly be in a tiny minority compared with things that are connected by the same technology that you currently think of your smart phone in your pocket but which will no longer be private because it will be embedded nit just in every (driverless ) car but in everything that moves your body or your mind. Imagine if we parents could believe we are world citizens when it comes to livelihood learning and sustainability all our children need.Who would be elected as the first worldwide learning ambassador. We will look at Jack Ma's candidature for this job but by all means share your nominations. The point is this is not about one person but one persons co-working (ref Drucker) connections with reclaiming our learning as joi ito and others at MIT have called IT,

Half of the world is aged under 30. Their question to Jack Ma: How can we help you energise human connections with edutech with as much gusto as you have energised Fintech and Commercetech (aka ecommerce).

How can we improve education for disadvantaged girls and boys (their place or family may be poor, remotely located or unsafe) or they may be missing one of the senses (eg sight or hearing) or have a chronic illness? How can we match lifelong education with every child growing up confident ad enjoying a livelihood that is valuable because their network of peers serves needs other people have

We hope you agree these are global questions. The fact is we haven't started to use 4000 times more technology to truly address these question. Note these 2 testimonies - the left hand one in 2008 , the right hand one in 2018.


12 years ago we started tracking Jack Ma by youtube! He has been using the gifts that thousands of brilliant technologists have co-created around him to explore challenges like the above. By all means tell us of other people who you trust as fully valuing youth.

There's a lot that we can all gain from studying the job creating cv of jack ma

This starts around age 10 - by good fortune his town hangzhou had been designated as one of first places in china welcoming outside tourists- jack's geography teacher woke him up by sayjng geography is exciting right now we Chinese are connecting with the world  - go and talk to tourists and they will tell you whats happening where in the rest of the world- jack spent the next 15 years or so self-teaching himself and 1000 youth from his town english and developing the towns personal tour guide industry!

By 1994 Jack had become not only his regions most popular english professor! but also recognised as a reliable translator- he was commissioned to do a translation job in seattle- his first trip to usa where he first saw the worldwide web- at that time china was still installing telecoms and the www was yet to be born in China

Jack's purpose in the world was transformed by his trip to Seattle.  From then on he started questioning everyone-  how can we make sure the web creates livelihoods for youth and small enterprises when it comes to china . His team spent most of the next decade redesigning pieces of what he had seen in amazon ebay and yahoo- but always the focus of jacks purpose of ecommerce was to maximise small enterprise participation in shoppers markets especially village/taobao across china. Around 2002 china was not ready to let anyone let alone a young entrepreneur launch a new media company so jack got his initial major investment form a taaiwan american (jerry yang of yahoo) and the japanese founder of softbank . All along the way,  jack's growth as the greatest job creating internet marketer has integrated ideas from the whole of the far east not just china and of course from america his first case studies in 1994

By 2016 Hangzhou had become one f of China's destination cities - a status it hadnt enjoyed since it was Marco Polo's favorite silk road city. Jack's networks have turned Hangzhou into chinese (and many would say worldwide ) youths favorite city for co-creating livelihoods with goods that multiply sustainability goals

- its true that inside china hangzhou has become one of 6 supercities of future innovation each of which is growing up in pairs :
hangzhou and shanghai in the middle of the eastern coastal belt - the future of world trade commerce
beijing and new supertown -the future of how a fifty of the world people sustain themselves and their relationships with the rest of the world including china 16 neighbors
hong kong and shenzehn the future of making

however plans morphed a bit in 2008 when the western banks started to stop financing anyone- jack was ready to mobile finance smes -and it made sense to xi jinpings emerging leadership to let extraoridinary youth like jack ma start a decade that saw 5 million youth startup in 2017 mainly anchored around the 3 big internet ecosystems BAT Alibaba and Ten Cent

By 2015 Jack had mapped what livelihoods he could help co-create with ecommerce and with efinance but he was clear that some of sustainability goals most critical markets - health, education, sports and community participative media needed another channel- so he was happy to be asked to prep china's g20 out of hangzhou with various citizen sherpa groups coinciding as it did with the UN's first year of assessing sdgs and the education commission summit above- the UN liked what jack wanted to explore but believed that being appointed an envoy for UNCTAD out of Geneva would give everyone wanting to experiment with jack more freedom than other UN education networks already established out of new york and paris- encouraged by others in geneva lncluding klaus schwab's annual wef summits in davos and china and his IR4 hubs, the hq of ITU, WTO, WHO jack made the promise to himself and the youth he inspires that he will return full time to education in sept 2019 and this the the first annual celebration will be at the tokyo olympics. Yoiu can help us edit links to what jack prepped up to 2016 hangzhou g20 including the 50 chinese business leaders of the CEN at worldcitizen.tv - what he is prepping all the way up to olympics 2020 we try to blog at alibababuni.com

but this is where things gets complicated because between now and 2023 the period of 1000 to 2000 moore tech - all sorts of tech is converging but very few of the first apps of tech are directly education related unless we choose to make them so

can robots and ai become central to education? can blockchain and big data small analyses become central? what about how eg sensors are put in everything humans wear at the same time as they are put in anything we share in cities from cars to streets to bikes to trains and boats and planes- for example can we upgrade tourism so youth go to a place to learn something- and indeed can virtual reality goggles help youth explore a place before they go; its is possible now to link up classrooms around the world with shared googles so that one day a child experiences coming to school from a chinese village the next day from an american inner city the next day a school on the arctic circle coastal belt- what are both teachers and students to make of all this exploration and do they need all languages to be taught in peer to peer modes of practice not in classrooms

back at the end of the 1100s marco polo became the world's greatest cver explorer until perhaps jack ma took on this curious role- if we understand correctly jack desperately wants help- he has a shopping list- eg what would  schooling structure be like if loveq not iq was every educators job- but he needs teachers and places who like at least one of his shopping list item for education that value youth to start partnering him now or to tell him where to linkin

here are some of the places that inspire us - where we hope jack tours in his first 12  months as chief searcher of education revolution

brac already mention in our quest for i want to learn helath

fortunately sir fazle abed was the worlds first education laureate as judged by qatars ring of first ladies and mentors out of singapore- and a few years later the first wise road show went to beijing where about 50 edutceh experimenters first encountered real girl empowerment at the depth of bangladesh's needs - you can see some of the wise alumni here

mit media lab where joi ito can make an interesting gudue- once the school of architecture the lab turned itself into how do media and supercity and tech engineers change the world?- its first media leader negropronte trued experiment with the $100 laprtop- a tech that wasnt quite connected enough

- internediate lab heads have helped the square mile around mit pop up with an example of every  future industry imaginable- but joi ito is a bit different- when recruited he hadnt  finished a doctorate though he had been a japanese venture capitalist- since joining the media lab he has been arguing that moocs out of mit dont go far enough- t6 most young people we have surveyed the mooc was a false trail because it still ended in an examination certificate instead of the entrepreneurial competitions that mit ivalues more than certificates

mit is also the worlds franchise centre for fablabs and smart cities - giving an engineers way in to most of the new technologies- how this matches with the types of market analysts apprentices is still to be mapped

mit also values open source more than; anywhere else in america but sends scouts out to places like stanford to create minority networks who would ge [prefer basic AI to open be sourced not patented - fortunately chinese resaarchers already lead open source ai so any attempts by trumps or other to put the genii back in tech bottle will only disadvantage american youth - chinese youth already are invited all over the world in shared econony supercity exchanges -some of the interesting parts of that world include brics where nations leaders have invited jack to make sure their top tech and public servant universities can keep up with his explorations and his damo global academy makes 15 billion dollars of advanced R&D as public as possible

we would also like to go back to where great experiential learning prioritised around poor's need to leapfrog with tech came form
gandhi/montessori and paulo freire were all part of bracs cluetrain
city montessorri and kalam and nilekani are all linked to idea of : tear up non sustainable curricula by 2020
the problem with sal khan is instead of being one charity he should have been 5000 brains national effort the same way the moon face was- so since america dint want to lead that the artificial intelligence teacher trainers will be a better channel than youtube videos

the greatest celebrations of virtual, elearning modes remain linked in by 2 middle east anchored summits qatars wise and dubai million dollar teachers prize- the point of the prize is not really the one teacher who gets it but the annual process of examining which teachers are trailbalzing new approaches with or without the help of the government system that needs to be engaged at some stage of edurevolution is to scale - in this way education is the craziest of markets - all over the world there are single schools pioneering stuff that values youth but in the west government systems have never replicated any of these 21st c experiments -if you think we are exaggerating have a look at the log of new ideas since 1984 that have been tried somewhere www.thelearningweb.net

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