Happy 2023 from friiends of #ed3learning everywhere & ED && Ed3EN...... 6 years after serving as teen allied bomber command burma, dad norman macrae met von neumann

Friday, November 30, 1984

is education ending our species? - 6 searches

Chris Macrae

UNWOMENS job creation agent atEconomistPoor.com
please help us review 6 known approaches currently searching or inform of a 7th
education commission soft launch un 2016 - origin gordon brown- no longer diverse search brown had intended as un envoy for education's consequential impacts on other 16 SDGs- more
apply un 2.1 strategy to second practice transformation network of education placed where trade rules are innovated faster than the headquarters of vetoing startups experiments - this seems to be what geneva branches of UN are doing to a combination of practice areas including tech and education and diversity of hemisphere's most urgent sustainability races applied to trade and love of our species -more 1 2
education laureates - has this process learnt from Nobel which in some areans eg economics now celebrates opposite to adam smith original purpose- hi-trust markets, mapping trade that sustains all peoples - can qatar advised by singapore and womens networls keep indepenedent of anti-youth lobbies? -more
annual million dollar teacher prize - we have been here beflore when a summit eg ted says a prize is intended to encourage learning from the top 50 candidates - explore how to help with all of their journeys and how diversely each year's search broadens or narrows - more
take another crisis - eg why are women still valued less than one tent that men are? -and the search whether education is part of this extinction threat- more
celebrate writers of futures of what education could look like - but leverage the fact that in the 2020s nothing is science fiction any longer because artificials 1 2 have got to stage of intelligence dev with humans that they will determine whats fact and whats fiction unless we value turing's principle of always being a leap ahead that sustaining humans needs to prioritise - more
7th search rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk EconomostLearning.com

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